How can Hair Mineral Analysis help me?
If you have been trying various diets, random supplements, exercise routines, herbs, holistic detox protocols and perhaps have made some progress but have not found the root cause or ultimately resolved your health issues, then hair mineral analysis could be the one thing that brings you the hope, new understanding and health back to your life.
Hair Mineral Analysis and a Nutritional Balancing Programme including mineral balancing can address and help the body heal many issues including weak immunity, skin issues like acne and eczema, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, ADHD, delayed development, anxiety, panic attacks, sleep issues, high or low blood pressure, high cholesterol, depression, adrenal fatigue, blood sugar issues, fatigue, weight gain or weight loss, arthritis, inflammation, constipation, IBS, SIBO, hair loss, poor nail growth, infections, dizziness, muscle and joint pain, PMS and so much more including chronic disease. If the body is out of balance then ANY symptom can evenutally manifest as the body’s adaptation mechanism to help you survive stress, trauma, mineral deficiencies etc can cause imbalances and weakened organs and glands.
Here’s what you’ll learn when you get a Hair Mineral Analysis test:
- exactly which heavy metals you have or are storing
- mineral deficiencies and which minerals you need (or don’t need) to supplement.
- mineral toxicities – those in excess
- imbalances in ratios between minerals
- trends for future issues such as diabetes, liver issues
- metabolic rate
- adrenal and thyroid functions
- nervous system imbalance
- stress patterns indicating personality traits
- protein synthesis or catabolism
- inflammation markers
- energy or loss of
- liver and kidney stress
- sugar and carbohydrate tolerances or imbalances
- cortisol, stress hormone, estrogen and progesterone markers
How the ratios between minerals affect your body:
- They are often more important than levels.
- They represent homeostatic balances.
- The ratios are indicative of disease trends and indicate research associations.
- They can be predictive of future metabolic dysfunctions or hidden metabolic dysfunctions.
- We use them to chart progress along with the levels and symptoms
- Often one or more ratios will look worse on a retest. If someone is following the supplement programme and diet it means the person is RETRACING earlier patterns in order to heal and get back to a time when the body was balanced.
Retracing is the name of the process in which a body that is strengthened and balanced with a nutritional balancing programme following a hair mineral analysis test, re-experiences and heals old illnesses or traumas that were incompletely healed in the past. Temporary symptoms that occur as the body heals at deep levels may be physical, emotional, mental or even spiritual where a person is forced to re-examine his or her beliefs about life or other deep issues.
A person becomes more aware and grounded as they heal on this programme.As the energy level or vitality of the body improves, some conditions lets say a skin issue may become temporarily worse as the body now actively fights to overcome the problem. This is the cause of many of the symptoms of healing reactions. It is basically ‘cleaning up the past so you can move on’ and can include skin rashes, nausea, irrational fear, fatigue, headaches, food intolerance etc. These are all welcome indicators and signs of healing. Keep in touch with your practitioner because we do have ways to lessen any detox reaction such as stopping all supplements, taking lower doses, herbal or supplement remedies, procedures to remove toxins etc. Most people if they take the programme on slowly get few if any reactions and they are usually very mild.
Heavy Metal Sources:
The most damaging toxins in our environment today are heavy metals. We get most in our food from the soils, packaging, food processing and also in the air that we breathe.
Here are some we test for:
MERCURY – from amalgam fillings, sushi, big fish like tuna, swordfish
ARSENIC – in chicken and eggs, rice, processed foods, water
CADMIUM – batteries, cigarettes
ALUMINIUM – deodorants, foods, cosmetics, dental fillings, vaccines, the air we breathe and aluminum cans.
NICKEL – fast and processed foods, partially hydrogenated oils, jewelry, braces and air pollution from cars and coal burning.
LEAD – paints, water, air, lipstick, mascara and auto exhaust. It’s still in the soils from leaded gasoline (banned decades ago)